Difference between DMAIC and DMADV, and DMADV’s Application Example【Lean Six Sigma】
DMAIC is used for improving existing processes. However, what can you do if you need to make a totally new process? In that case, you would use DMADV.
(Duration: 5:09)
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Difference between DMAIC and DMADV
Hi, this is Mike Negami, Lean Sigma Black belt.
My last post showed how my client selected his new project. If you haven’t read that post, click the link below and read it.
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I’ve talked about DMAIC, which is a Lean Sigma project’s framework, in several of my posts. DMAIC is used for improvement projects for existing business operations.
On the other hand, his new project is “To establish a process that utilizes data for affiliated store sales”, which is to make a completely new process. For this, we use DMADV rather than DMAIC.
The first three phases of DMADV are the same as the DMAIC which are Define Phase, Measure Phase, and Analyze Phase, but some contents are slightly different. The next DV will be Design Phase and Verify Phase.
DMADV’s Application Example
I’ll explain his project along the framework of DMADV.
Define Phase
In the Define Phase, we define what kind of project we’ll do. In fact, he made a project charter to define the purpose and goal of the project, listed all tasks of the project using WBS, and made a project schedule with the Gantt Chart.
Measure Phase
In the Measure Phase, we collect VOC’s (Voice Of Customer) of the target process and convert them to new process’s CTQ (Critical To Quality), which achieves those VOC’s. I made a post that explains the concept well. Please click the link below and read it, too.
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The customer of this process is my client himself, so his needs become VOC as it is. The starting point this time was “I want to gather customer data and sales data in one place and generate useful information and tools for my sales force.” An important KPI is simply to increase sales.
Analyze Phase
Next is the Analyze Phase, but from this Phase onward, it will differ greatly from DMAIC. In DMAIC, the main goal of the Phase is to identify critical issues of the target process and find out their root cause.
However, in DMADV, its main goal is to list more detailed functions for achieving the CTQ determined at the Measure Phase and decide basic design concepts. In DMAIC, we use the 5-Why Analysis and the Ishikawa Diagram to find the root cause of the critical issues.
In DMADV, CTQ is an object and we want a solution for that. Therefore, we use the 5-How Analysis to ask yourself or group “how, how, how, how and how can we achieve the CTQ?”. Then we can think of many solution ideas and organize them on the Ishikawa Diagram.
This is the one we did. You can use it as a basic design concept. I made another post about this exercise and template. Please check the post and template by clicking the link below.
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So, by following the basic design concept, we made the SIPOC Analysis and the Value Stream Map for the new process, which became the blueprint of an Excel program we developed.
Design Phase
In DMADV, the next phase is the Design Phase. Here we’re supposed to make a more detailed design plan and complete the new process.
In our project, it was all developed on Excel. We just used the Ishikawa Diagram and Value Stream Map we made in the previous Phases as a design plan.
Verify Phase
In the final phase, the Verify Phase, we verify that the new process completed in the Design Phase will properly fulfill the customer’s needs. We’ll also create a system that enables operators to always work accurately in this process. In our project, we made an SOP, Standard Operating Procedure in Excel.
This time I introduced DMADV, which is a guideline for developing a new business process flow.