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5 How Analysis: List and organize ideas【Excel template】Great for 5 Why Analysis too!

How Analysis: List and organize ideas【Excel template】Great for 5 Why Analysis too!
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5 How Analysis: List and organize id...

I use the 5 How Analysis to figure out the functions needed for a new process. With this method and template, you can make the ideas visible to everyone, and organize them so that they can be utilized effectively. This template is also great for the 5 Why Analysis.

(Duration: 5:27)

DOWNLOAD  ← Click this to download the “5-Why Analysis・5-How Analysis” template file.

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The 5-How Analysis, that lists and organizes ideas

Hi, this is Mike Negami, Lean Sigma Black Belt.

I used the 5-How Analysis to figure out the functions needed for a new process in my client’s Mentoring Program project.

Ideas are not useful if they are only in our mind. With this method and template, you can make the ideas visible to everyone, and organize them so that they can be utilized effectively.  Today I’ll demonstrate it on an Excel template. Let’s see a completed result first.

5-How Analysis Complete

This is the completed one, which is made on an Ishikawa Diagram. The main subject is in the yellow box. Categorized ideas are aligned on each large bone. Each group name is in the light-blue boxes.

It usually takes a long time to type a sentence in the text box and make several of them. However, this template has a function that will make them automatically. I’ll show it to you later.

Download the 5-How Analysis template

Click on the download link below.  Since this file uses a macro, click these buttons to enable macros.

DOWNLOAD  ← Click this to download the “5-Why Analysis・5-How Analysis” template file.

Here’re the instructions. You can use this template for the 5 Why Analysis too.  Please select which analysis you’re going to do in Cell Q8 so that the specific instructions display accordingly.


5-How Analysis Instructions


Step-by-step instructions for the 5 How Analysis

Next, clarify your main subject to analyze. For a 5 Why Analysis, you would enter the issue whose root cause you want to find in P11. For a 5 How Analysis, you would enter the request whose solutions you want to think of.  In this project, I selected ‘5 How Analysis’ in Cell 8 and for the request, I typed “I want to gather customer data and sales data in one place and generate useful information and tools for my sales force.”

I had a meeting with my client about this agenda. During the meeting, my role was like that of the 5 How Analysis; I just repeatedly asked questions like “How can you do it?” “How can you do it?””, and wrote his answers on paper.  In this stage, don’t think of the feasibility of each idea too much, rather, it is important to get a lot of ideas.

The procedures from this point on in the 5 Why Analysis and 5 How Analysis will be exactly the same.  Once you finish listing all ideas, you’ll type all those into Column P.

Next, categorize all the items. Look at each item and put a group # on the same category items in the next column.  At first it is always #1. In this example, the next one is in the same group as the first one, so put the same number. Next, since it is totally different from the first one, I put a 2. Do likewise for all the items.

5-How Analysis Grouping

Then, sort them by the group # using the Auto Filter by this column.  Since the same groups’ items are now side by side, it’s easier to think of their group names.  Looking at the first group, they are about the ‘Dashboard’, and next is about ‘Goal Setting’.  Type them in the next column.

Here, I’ll click the “text-box Auto Generator” button. Then, text boxes that are written for each item were generated automatically. It’s easy, isn’t it?

Arrange all the text boxes by group

While pressing the Shift key on your keyboard, click on the text boxes of the same group so that you can group them, and move them to a large bone. Then, press your ‘Esc’ key in order to un-group them and arrange the text boxes one by one.

If some text boxes are related to each other in the same group, connect them like this, so that their relationship will be clear.

5-How Analysis Complete

Lastly, type their group name in the light-blue box. Repeat these steps with all of the produced ideas and this is the completed result.

In our project, we’ll use this Ishikawa Diagram to develop my client’s operation system.

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