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CTQ Tree Case Study: Convert Customer Needs to CTQ, Critical To Quality

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CTQ Tree Case Study: Convert Custome...

(Duration: 4:52)

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Case Study of the CTQ Tree Analysis

Hi, this is Mike Negami, Lean Sigma Black Belt.

I’m conducting an art production process improvement project for my wife, Lara. We’ll actually develop a new process from scratch.  I introduced that project’s plan in an earlier video. The first milestone is “Conduct a CTQ Tree analysis and understand CTQs for client’s VOC.”

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Watch this video that explains the CTQ Tree Analysis in detail.

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In short, this analysis enables us to identify key customer needs and convert them to internal factors that satisfy the customer needs, which are CTQs (Critical To Quality).

Here is a fun little video. Let’s take a look at it.

My Tubing

(Click on the video on top of this post to play it.)

How was it?  It was a good summer memory. Let’s return to making a CTQ Tree.

Practicing the CTQ Tree Analysis Step by Step

1) Understand your Customer Needs

Since I want to know customer needs, it’s best to meet and ask the customer for that.  In general, we seek end customers’ needs that use the product or service of your target process.  However, since this target process is very personal, I just listened to Lara for her needs.

Mike: “Ok, Lara, what do you most expect from your new process, what is most important?”

Lara: “Best vibe in the production Environment”

‘Best Vibe’, her need was crystal clear, for her, but we definitely need a further analysis.

I typed “Best Vibe in the Production Environment” in the Customer Needs section in the template.


2) Clarify Quality Drivers

The next section is ‘Quality Drivers’. Use this question:

Mike: “To get the best vibe is important. How can we satisfy this need?”

Here is a summary of her answers: “Good Workplace Environment”, “Sound Wave Vibe”, “Good vibe of artist” and so on.  The important points here are to not deny any answers and bring out as many answers as you can by asking “Anything else?” or “Is there more?”

3) Convert to CTQ (Critical To Quality)

The next step is to convert each Quality Driver to CTQ. In order to do that, ask “How can we measure each quality driver?  These are her CTQs:

For “Good Workplace Environment”, “All materials are reachable and well-organized.” “The workplace should be clean and well-lit.” Since our kids are still small, she needs “Noisy children are out of sound range.”

For “Sound Wave Vibe”, “Proper music should be saved in the MP3 player.” “The MP3 is ready to play for the entire production time.”

If all of these CTQs are measurable, that’s great, but if not, that’s ok. It’s still very beneficial as in this case.  At the beginning, we couldn’t understand what we should do from “Best Vibe in the Production Environment”, could we?  From the converted CTQs, now it’s clear what we should do. This is the power of the CTQ Tree!

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